AN ANIMATED MINI-SERIES (with a happy ending!)
The Eggs is an Australian children’s animated television series.

The Eggs is an Australian children’s animated television series.
There are 52 episodes of 12 minutes duration.

Welcome to the planet Kazoo where music is more than just a career; it’s a way of life. It is the life! In Kazoo, the hills really are alive with the sound of music. So are the valleys, forests, rocks and especially all creatures great and small. Birds do not only sing, they harmonize; as do dogs when they howl and mosquitoes when they buzz. Kazoo is also the home of Benedict, Sunnyside, Yolky and Scramble, our heroes in this tale. The four have now reached the age where Kazoolian law insists they do something useful. Thus, they are given their first task: to go out into space and EXPLORE and to find new sounds! One never knows what they may find. The Kazoolians believe egg children who experience independence will grow into decent, responsible citizens. Armed with the most up-to-date supplies and equipment and an artificially intelligent craft named Shelly, the young, first-time-away-from-home Eggs are sent off at the crack of dawn one fine, Kazoolian summer’s day.

Our heroes wake each day eager for a new adventure. There’s musical inspiration Out There and they want to connect with it. They are Kazoolians, after all, and music is what they live for new sounds,unusual beats, wild rhythms they are there to be discovered and the Eggs are determined to find them, suck them up with their sound snufflers, and take them back to Shelly. When they play them back, they are quite inspired by them! This means that the days of our Eggs are quite full.
The experience of exploring a new planet and the discovery of new sounds is ever so labour intensive. And, of course, nothing ever goes as planned. Thanks to the various inhabitants they come across for there’s no telling if they all be pleasant, unpleasant or totally weird. However, it all adds to the excitement. And no matter what problems our heroes are faced with (and there are many), they always manage to solve them, thanks to their music. This is why each new episode is guaranteed to be filled with thrills, adventure and just plain fun. Lots of music, too!

BENEDICT is not as cool as Sunny (although he likes to think that he is). He’ the thinker of the group and the one thats always looking for problems to solve, expounding theories and analysing everything. He considers himself a natural born leader but he’s the only one who does. If he were an earthling, he would no doubt be considered a mad genius and be given tenure in the Advanced Science Department at Cambridge University or somewhere similar. But Benny’s an Egg from the Planet Kazoo and proud of it. When not off on an adventure he can always be found tinkling and tinkering in his lab with Eggor, his homemade robotic assistant. Benny’s instrument? Why the Tinkleoo of course. Ben can sometimes be a bit of a control freak, and always has a plan, which rarely pans out in the expected manner. His philosophy reflects his cautious nature: Don’t count your eggs until they are chickens.

SCRAMBLE is in no way a handyman. He’s so-named because he’s rather smelly, and has an involuntary habit of dropping smells, particularly when under pressure. Being a bit of a coward at heart, he finds himself under pressure quite a bit. His job is keeping Shelly clean; which he doesn’t. Oh, he tries, but the more effort he puts in, the more mess he tends to make. He doesn’t like rubbish detail and would rather say that it smells better that way. In reality, he’s easily bored and his job is extremely boring. Why clean something if it’s only going to get dirty again he argues. With no carpet to sweep things under, Scramble sometimes tosses the rubbish out of Shelly’s side airlock when he can get away with it. Nine times out of ten forgets to close the door properly. You can always tell when he’s been cleaning if there are dust balls and clumps of debris orbiting the ship. His maintenance skills also leave something to be desired. Why fix something if it’s only going to break again? he reasons. As a result, Scramble is always dreaming up bizarre labour-saving devices that usually backfire and sometimes save the day.
What he’d rather do, more than anything else is watch TV. What greater place for a TV junky than outer space? What with all those communications satellites, there are at least 1000 channels to choose from. Scramble is full of sarcastic humour, wry observations and cutting remarks. He’s the most blunt and opinionated of the Eggs. He’s got lots of witty one-liners, always at others expense and never his own. Scramble is the group’s boombadier and boy can he bash out a boomb-boomba rhythm no matter what the surface. His greatest thrill is when he gets to play an Eggytune Solo in order for Shelly to blast off into the unknown at hyper-ratatatat speed.

YOLKY is a complete ball of energy. She may be the smallest, but she’s also the most determined Egg of the group. She’s fearless, which is not always appropriate since she jumps into potentially dangerous situations without considering the consequences. Yolky has the most common-sense of the four, but she doesn’t push herself forward. She is brave and brimming with good ideas. Their motto: One is fun, but four is more! was her idea, but Ben claims he thought of it. Yolky’s too generous to care. As long as they carry on having fun together she’s happy. Yolky handles all the maintenance, especially in the Engine Room where great handyman skills are often called upon in order to adjust the big eggnog turbines so that they continue running smoothly. Yolky’ instrument is the Googaphone, a weird looking horn that Ben has made for her. It can make virtually any sound.

There’s SUNNYSIDE who possesses, as her name suggests- a sunny disposition. And why not? She’s the most glamorous of the Eggs and knows it. No problem is too daunting for Sunny. She refuses to be clouded by worry. She firmly believes that there’s always an alternative solution somewhere so why get stressed? Her motto: Cheer up! It’s not the end of the world! In fact, there’s always another galaxy to explore! At best, this attitude inspires the other Eggs. At worse, it can really get up their noses! Sometimes, even in the face of terrible danger, Sunnyside’s uncritical optimism can become annoying. In fact, undiluted positiveness can be quite irritating if it goes on and on and on and on. But there’s no doubt that Sunnyside, more than anyone, can see the bright side of any situation.
Sunnyside’s instrument is the Twongle. Her shipboard duty is looking after the gardenĀ. Actually she doesn’t see this as a duty at all..she loves growing things and is constantly adding another crop, thanks to the specimens she brings back from their various adventures.